Institute of Startup Accelerator was established with the aim of promoting and enlightening the practice of researching and researching mechanisms that can accelerate activities and human resources that create value in society through innovation through industry-government-academia collaboration.
研究所長 板倉 宏昭
Director, ITAKURA Hiroaki Ph.D.
東京都立産業技術大学院大学 教授(事業設計工学コース)
Prof. of Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology (Business Systems Design Engineering Course)
Ph.D. of the Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo
MBA of Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Business
ミッション Mission
Our mission is to research and promote activities and enlightenment through industry-government-academia collaboration that can accelerate activities and human resources that create value in society through innovation.
ビジョン Vision
Accelerate innovation and entrepreneurship in Tokyo and in Japan and overseas to foster new businesses, realize sustainable growth, and contribute to the development of human resources who can demonstrate leadership.
バリュー Value
- 人生 100 年時代のシニア層のスタートアップ支援 Supporting startups for seniors in the age of 100 years
- イノベーションとアントレプレナーシップの加速 Acceleration of innovation and entrepreneurship
- 「ネクスト・ユニコーン」と地域課題解決 “Next Unicorn” and solving regional issues
- SDGs の推進 Promotion of SDGs
- ITとデジタルの効果的な活用と効果 Effective utilization and effect of IT and digital
- デザイン思考の活用 Utilization of design thinking
- 理論と実践(産学官、実務家と研究者等) Theory and practice (industry-academia-government, practitioners and researchers, etc.)
本研究所の位置づけ Objective
- 本学、東京都立産業技術大学院大学における3つのミッション「①プロフェッショナルの育成、②複線型教育(PBL)、③シンクタンク機能」を基盤として、スタープアップ・アクセラレーターのテーマについて、当該の3つのミッションに対する大きなシナジー効果と具体的にフォーカスしたテーマの研究成果を果たす担い手となる。
- Based on the three missions of our university of Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, “(1) Professional development, (2) Double-track education (PBL), and (3) Think tank function,” the theme of the starp-up accelerator is a major one for the three missions. It will be a leader in achieving research results on themes that specifically focus on synergistic effects.
- 上記を実現するためにシニアスタートアップを当初のケースとする。
- In order to achieve the above, the senior startup will be the initial case.
- 上記を実現するために、当該テーマにおける国内外の最先端の研究者や実践者、東京都・品川区等の行政部門、関連する有力企業等と連携活動を行う。
- In order to realize the above, we will collaborate with cutting-edge researchers and practitioners in Japan and overseas on the theme, administrative departments such as Tokyo and Shinagawa Ward, and related leading companies.
- 本研究所の活動により、イノベーションを通じて社会に価値を生みだす活動・人材をアクセラレートできる仕組みや知見を研究し、広く世の中に発信周知するとともに、当該テーマの担い手の支援実践や啓発を果たす機関を目指す。
- Through the activities of this institute, we will research activities and knowledge that can accelerate activities and human resources that create value in society through innovation, disseminate it widely to the world, and aim to be an institution that supports and enlightens the bearers of the theme.
キーワード Key word
Startups, Accelerator, Entrepreneur, Intrepreneur, Business Succession, Ecosystem, Regional business, Community Management